Grooming Schedule

How to set up Facility Grooming Hours and Individual Groomer Schedules.



Navigate to Settings > Services > Grooming > General 

1. Select Grooming Days

2. Set Grooming Start Time

3. Set Grooming End Time

4. Select this option to allow STAFF to schedule reservations that overlap unavailable times. (Ex: Breaks)

     4a. Select this option to allow OWNERS to schedule reservations that overlap unavailable times. (Ex: Breaks)

5. Select this option to allow STAFF to schedule reservations on Groomer Off days

     5a. Select this option to allow OWNERS to schedule reservations on Groomer Off days

NOTE: Individual Groomer schedules can not exceed facility grooming hours. 



Navigate to Settings > General > Users > Employees

Click + Add New to set up new Groomer or Edit an existing Groomer using .

Select the Checkbox for "Custom Regular Schedule" 

NOTE: Groomer Days/Hours will default to the Facility Grooming Schedule if a Custom Regular Schedule is not set up.


1. Select Grooming Days 
2. Select Start & End Times 
3. Use + Add Break to add one or more breaks to the Groomers Daily schedule. 
4. Select Start & End Times for Break(s)



Each Groomer's Individual Schedule and will be reflected with an "unavailable" gray box when the Groomer is unavailable.

If permitted, reservations can be scheduled to overlap unavailable times or be scheduled on Off Days (see items 4 & 5 under FACILITY GROOMING HOURS above).

If Permission is not enabled for Users to overlap unavailable times or schedule on Groomer Off Days, the following error will be displayed:


If Permission is enabled, Users will receive a warning with the option to Override the Unavailable time or off day. 
